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Alt 04.12.2014, 00:09   #226  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
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Julian Voloj, geboren in Münster, lebt als Fotograf und Autor in New York. Der avant-verlag kündigt für Februar 2015 eine Graphic Novel von ihm an:
Ghetto Brother. Eine Geschichte aus der Bronx von Julian Voloj & Claudia Ahlering (...)
Ghetto Brother erzählt die wahre Geschichte von Benjy Melendez und seinem Kampf für Frieden, seiner Suche nach Wegen aus der Kriminalität und nach seinen jüdischen Wurzeln. Der New Yorker Autor Julian Voloj und die Hamburger Zeichnerin Claudia Ahlering haben eine Graphic Novel geschaffen, die Hip-Hop-Kultur lebendig werden lässt.
Paul Jorion, Sozialwissenschaftler und Wirtschaftskolumnist. Eine Graphic Novel bei Egmont 2014:
In Deutschland wurde er bekannt als einer der Ökonomen, die die amerikanische Subprime-Krise und eine darauf folgende, weltweite Rezession vorhergesagt haben. Auf seinem Blog äußert er sich zu tagespolitischen Themen mit besonderem Blick auf die globale Finanzwirtschaft. Das Überleben der Spezies ist seine erste Zusammenarbeit mit dem Comiczeichner Grégory Maklès.
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Alt 04.12.2014, 00:26   #227  
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Zwei Roma-Wissenschaftlerinnen aus Tschechien haben an der Comic-Trilogie O pribjehi (Prag: Lipnik 2010) mitgearbeitet:
Sie ist eine der drei Antihelden aus der jüngst in Prag erschienenen Comic-Trilogie Roma-Geschichten (O pribjehi), die Szenen wie die aus der Straßenbahn illustriert. Es sind authentische Erzählungen, benannt nach ihren jeweiligen Protagonisten Keva (21), Albina (40) und Ferko (60).
„Ich war neugierig, wie mein Leben als Buch aussehen würde“, sagt Keva und lächelt keck, während sie an ihrem Kaffee nippt. Die 21-Jährige sitzt in einem Biergarten, nur wenige Schritte vom Prager Altstadttrubel entfernt. Das Genre „Comic“ hätte ihr nicht viel gesagt, als die studierte Roma-Wissenschaftlerin Máša Bořkovcová und die Sozialanthropologin Markéta Hajská ihr vorschlugen, eine Bildergeschichte über sie zu entwickeln. Die drei Frauen kennen sich schon lange: Die heute 33-jährige Masa Borkovcova traf Keva bereits vor vielen Jahren, als sie Romakinder in Ferienlagern betreute. Co-Autorin Marketa Hajska hat wissenschaftliche Studien zu Roma in der Ostslowakei begleitet und als Studentin Roma-Kindern Nachhilfeunterricht gegeben. So kam ihr Kontakt zu Kevas Familie zustande.
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Alt 04.12.2014, 02:31   #228  
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A.D.G., französischer Krimiautor (1947-2004)

Er schrieb die Comicserie "Die Fälle des Inspektor Bogat"
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Alt 04.12.2014, 11:30   #229  
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Alissa Torres, Forensikerin und Sicherheitstechnikerin. Als sie im siebten Monat schwanger gewesen ist, hat sie ihren Ehemann durch die Attentate von 9/11 verloren. Ihr Trauma hat sie in der Graphic Novel American Widow (Random House / Villard Books 2008) verarbeitet:
In the meantime, American Widow is a new American graphic novel which focuses on one victim of the 9/11 attacks, Luis Eduardo Torres, or Eddie, the Colombian-born husband of Alissa Torres. She was seven and a half months pregnant at the time. Eddie had only started a new job in the World Trade Centre on Monday the 10th, and when the time came, he jumped. Somehow, to find an outlet and perhaps some catharsis, his widow Alissa wanted to convey her experiences and feelings through writing. She chose to do so through comics, but how does a total novice set about doing this? Initially she wrote out her script "in Microsoft word using text boxes for the panels. In each box I wrote descriptions of what I thought should go in them along with dialogue and thought ballons." She had planned on telling it from her perspective but without actually appearing in it herself, until N. Christopher Crouch, a School of Visual Arts professor, insisted that it wouldn’t work without her in it. Alissa revised her script still further, re-envisioning the images, how many panels per page and what images and words belonged in each. She also "spent a lot of time doodling and found that I was very good at - and enjoyed - conceptualising the artwork. Too bad I wasn’t very good at drawing."
The next crucial step was for her to find the right artist. Not easy, and it took a long time. Alissa wanted a woman to draw it: "It’s hard to articulate the difference between a man’s and a woman’s work but I knew that a female artist was what the project needed." Eventually, she discovered New York Times illustrator Sungyoon Choi and from her first samples knew that she was right for the project. "Some comic art is cluttered, making it a battle to get through each page, but Choi’s work was very succinct with a lot of white space and great composition. And it was extremely heartfelt."
A bond developed between the two women as they worked closely and intensely, meeting often and revising and improving each new set of pages as they took shape. Sungyoon helped Alissa make those tough but vital decisions, "where to cut art, what to condense and what to expand." Alissa has nothing but thanks and praise for the illustrator: "This book had been my therapeutic anchor for so many years and I am grateful to have found someone who was not only creative and who could endure this labour intensive project, but also someone I trust on a purely emotional level." And now that long gestation and collaborative process are over and this September 9th Alissa’s graphic memoir is finally published as American Widow.
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Alt 04.12.2014, 12:03   #230  
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Michael Crowley, Auslandskorrespondent des Time-Magazins. Hat eine Graphic Novel über den Präsidentschaftswahlkampf 2008 verfaßt:
Dan Goldman, of Shooting War fame, is feverishly completing his docu-comic with Michael Crowley on the Presidential election entitled 08: A Graphic Diary Of The Campaign Trail and out from Crown in January 09.
Anthony Lappé, Autor, Blogger, Fernsehproduzent und Executive Editor bei Guerilla News Network
in 2003 he collaborated on the award-winning Showtime documentary about Iraq called BattleGround: 21 Days on the Empire’s Edge, which covered the front lines of the simmering guerrilla war in Iraq in 2003. Part of what he saw there influenced his new graphic novel, Shooting War [Soft Skull Press 2008], which started out as a serial on the Smith Magazine website. The lavish hardcover print edition, with illustrations by Dan Goldman, follows the gonzo adventures of a New York blogger who becomes a media darling in 2011 after his footage of a bombing at a Williamsburg Starbucks gets picked up by the mainstream media. Looking to keep coverage of the ongoing Iraq quagmire edgy, a global news network hires him to bring a youth angle to the guerrilla war. Part satire, part dystopian nightmare, Shooting War is unflinching in its depiction of the hellish future toward which the Bush administration is corralling us.
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Alt 04.12.2014, 12:23   #231  
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Eugene Byrne, britischer Freelance-Journalist und literarischer Schriftsteller. Hat mit dem Zeichner Simon Gurr mehrere biographische bzw. historische Graphic Novels verfaßt:
Isambard Kingdom Brunel: A Graphic Biography, with artist Simon Gurr (2006)
The Bristol Story: A Graphic and (Mostly) True History of the Greatest City in the World!, with artist Simon Gurr (2008)
Darwin: A Graphic Biography, with artist Simon Gurr (2009)
Marshall Poe, amerikanischer Historiker, Autor, Herausgeber und Gründer des New Books Network sowie ein einfkußreicher Kommentator von Wikipedia.
Über die "Rassenunruhen" 1957 in Arkansas schrieb er das Szenario für einen Comic:
In Little Rock Nine [Aladdin 2008], historian Marshall Poe and artist Ellen Lindner explore the racial tensions provoked by school desegregation in Arkansas in the summer of 1957 through two teenage classmates, one white, the other black.
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Alt 04.12.2014, 12:35   #232  
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Dr. Paul Aleixo, britischer Psychologe. Von ihm gibt es ein Psychologie-Lehrbuch [Wiley 2008] in Comicform:
Biological Psychology: An Illustrated Survival Guide
Paul Aleixo, Murray Baillon (Illustrator)
aking a refreshingly innovative approach to the subject, Biological Psychology: An Illustrated Survival Guide uses cartoons as an effective teaching medium. Each chapter is organised into a mini lecture, and offers an accessible introduction to key topics including:

The brain and nervous system
Vision and audition
The mechanical and chemical senses
Emotions and sexual behaviour
Memory and learning

Intended to complement traditional textbooks in the area, Biological Psychology: An Illustrated Survival Guide provides undergraduate and ‘A’ level students with an alternative introduction to biological psychology and an invaluable study aid.
Paul has worked as a lecturer in several British universities since completing his Doctoral degree in psychology in the early 1990s. Currently a Senior Lecturer in psychology, he has varied research interests including the application of psychological principles to educational practice. He has taught a number of psychology courses including Biological Psychology for many years. A lifelong interest in comics has led him to explore their use in education. This book is one of these explorations.
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Alt 04.12.2014, 13:33   #233  
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Mylène Lauzon, kanadische Dichterin, Choreographin und Performance-Künstlerin. Von ihr liegen zwei Werke bei FRMK vor:
Mylène Lauzon a collaboré aux deux récents ouvrages de Thierry Van Hasselt, dont elle a écrit les textes : Heureux, Alright ! [2008] et Les images volées [2008], aux éditions Frémok.
Ein dritter Comic ist in Planung:
Elle travaille à l'écriture des textes de Jean et Denise, prochain livre du bédéiste et éditeur belge Thierry Van Hasselt.
Karine Ponties, französische Tänzerin und Choreographin, hat ebenfalls mit Thierry Van Hasselt zusammengearbeitet:
Brutalis (2003)
Pour cette BD Thierry Van Hasselt se libère de l’impression et travaille surtout sur ordinateur. Cette œuvre est le résultat de sa collaboration avec Karine Ponties. Celle-ci a été intéressée par l’artiste grâce à « la matière de ses images » (due à la technique du monotype). Le but de la chorégraphe était qu’à travers les dessins présents dans cette BD on puisse percevoir les sensations du corps et la libération de l’impression. Karine a posé pour Thierry pour lui permettre de faire les dessins de cette BD. En effet, il existe une relation entre le corps de la danseuse et la matière grasse épaisse. C’est dans ce cadre qu’est née l’idée d’un film d’animation.
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Alt 04.12.2014, 14:20   #234  
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Reginald Hudlin, amerikanischer Drehbuchautor, Filmregisseur und Produzent (unter anderem für Django Unchained). Schrieb mit Aaron McGruder ein Szenario für Kyle Baker:
Birth of a Nation: A Comic Novel (a, with Reginald Hudlin and Aaron McGruder, graphic novel, 144 pages, Crown, 2004 (...))
Außerdem hat Kyle Baker mit dem Musiker, Komponisten, Autor, Herausgeber, Art Director und Filmproduzenten Dan Braun zusammengearbeitet (unter Kyle Bakers Wikipedia-Eintrag):
Creepy #8: "Loathsome Lore" (a, with Dan Braun, 2012)
Sowie unter Dan Brauns Eintrag:
Creepy and Eerie relaunch
In 1999, the Braun brothers started pursuing rights to Warren Publishing's defunct horror-comics magazines Creepy and Eerie. With two partners, they formed the New Comic Company, which completed the acquisitions after a seven-year negotiation. In 2008, New Comic collaborated with Dark Horse Comics to release the reprint book series Creepy Archives. The first volume reached #2 on The New York Times Bestsellers list for graphic novels. In 2009, Braun and editor Shawna Gore won the Eisner Award for Best Archival Collection. In July 2009, New Comic and Dark Horse launched the quarterly color comic book Creepy with new material. Braun, the series' consulting editor, wrote the story "Hell Hound Blues" in issue #1.
Braun announced at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con that he and his brother were developing a Creepy anthology movie with Chris Columbus and 1492 Pictures.

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Alt 04.12.2014, 14:54   #235  
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Christos Papadimitriou (griechisch: Χρήστος Χαρίλαος Παπαδημητρίου), griechischer Ingenieur, theoretischer Computerwissenschaftler und Professor an der University of Berkeley, California.
Co-Autor von Logicomix (Atrium 2010).
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Alt 04.12.2014, 15:44   #236  
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C.C. Colbert (bürgerlich Catherine Clinton), Historikerin an der Queen's University Belfast mit dem Schwerpunkt Geschichte der USA. Hat das Szenario für einen Comic über das Attentat auf Us-Präsident Abraham verfaßt, Zeichnungen Tanitoc: Booth (First Second 2010).

Ben Heggarty, britischer Storyteller, der die Kunst des freien Erzählen auf der Bühne fördert.
An Graphic Novels liegen von ihm vor:
Mit dem Zeichner Adam Brockbank schuf er für die britische Comiczeitschrift DFC die prähistorische Serie MeZolith (DFC Library 2010; Band 2 soll demnächst erscheinen) sowie mit dem Zeichner John Welding, zwei Stories in der DFC, Will Skoggin's Skull.

Jonathan Ross, auch Wossy genannt, britischer Moderator und Filmkritiker. Hat für den Zeichner Tommy Lee Edwards die Serie Turf geschrieben:
Our (soon-to-be ex-)BBC star Wossy puts his love of comics into practice with this four-part genre mash-up of gangsters and alien vampires. I knew Jonathan before he was famous and in the Fast Fiction days when he wrote, drew and self-published Oh Wild Mother City of Moscow under the pen-name D’Arcy Sarto (real blackmail material). He’s come along a bit since then and got Edwards on artwork, serving up some gripping visuals.

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Alt 04.12.2014, 16:22   #237  
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Richard Poplak, kanadischer Autor und Journalist. Schrieb mit Alex Jensen und Nick Marinkovitch eine Graphic Novel über einen notorischen Fahrraddieb: Kenk: A Graphic Novel Portrait Of The World’s Most Prolific Bicyle Thief (Pop Sandbox 2010). Als Igor Kenk 2008 festgenommen wurde, stellte die Polizei bei ihm fast 3.000 Fahrräder sicher.

V.V. Brown, britische Singer-Songwriterin, Modell und Musikproduzentin.
David Allain, Drehbuchautor, Regisseur und Produzent vorwiegend von Musikvideos und Werbefilmen.
Gemeinsam haben Brown und Allain das Szenario der futuristischen Comicserie The City of Abacus (2010) geschrieben, gezeichnet von Emma Price (# 1) und Lee Ö'Connor (# 2)
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Alt 04.12.2014, 16:46   #238  
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Peter Straub, amerikanischer Horrorschriftsteller.
Michael Easton, Fernsehschauspieler, Dichter, Autor und Fotograf.
In Eastons Wikipedia-Artikel heißt es:
He is the author of the Soul Stealer series of graphic novels, drawn by Christopher Shy, as well as several currently unproduced screenplays. He collaborated with author Peter Straub on the graphic novel The Green Woman, which featured art by John Bolton and was published by Vertigo Comics in 2010. Easton and Straub met and became friends after the latter, a fan of daytime soap operas, visited the set of One Life to Live. Easton released the graphic novel Credence on November 1, 2013.
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Alt 04.12.2014, 17:22   #239  
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Vincenzo Cerami, italienischer Schriftsteller, Dramaturg und Drehbuchautor.
Gli occhi di Pandora, disegni di Milo Manara, Milano, Mondadori, 2009 (...)
Claudio Piersanti, italienischer Schriftsteller und Drehbuchautor.
Con Lorenzo Mattotti ha collaborato ad alcuni libri a fumetti (Stigmate, Torino, Einaudi, 1999; Anonymes, Parigi, Éditions du Seuil, 2000)
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Alt 04.12.2014, 17:41   #240  
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Jay Hosler, Biologieprofessor am Juniata College, Pennsylvania, spezialisiert auf Evolutionsbiologie.
Graphic Novels
Clan Apis, published by Active Synapse, 2000
The Sandwalk Adventures, published by Active Synapse, 2003
Optical Allusions, published by Active Synapse, 2008
Evolution. (art by Kevin Cannon and Zander Cannon) Hill and Wang, ISBN 978-0-8090-9476-9, 2011

Cow-Boy #1, Active Synapse, 1997
"The Conundrum of the Killer Coronavirus" in the Emerging Diseases issues of Your World: Biotechnology and You (14.1), 2004
"The Diabolical Dr. Nonono" in AWIS Magazine, 2004
illustrated 6 pages in Suspended in Language by Jim Ottaviani and Leland Purvis, G. T. Labs, ISBN 978-0-9660106-5-7, 2004

Deborah Vankin, Lifestyle-Kolumnistin der Los Angeles Times. Hat für Rick Mays eine Graphic Novel über drei Teenager geschrieben, die die Nächte in Hollywood zur Party machen.
by Deborah Vankin, Rick Mays & Laila Derakshanian
Image [2011]

The publisher says:
Los Angeles nightlife. It’s all Hollywood parties and glitterati, right? The graphic novel Poseurs paints a different picture as it plays with the idea of who’s real and who’s rented in the LA party scene. It follows the lives of three distinctly different teenagers as they navigate both the seemingly glamorous and underground party scenes of LA. Traversing all corners of LA, from the graffiti-tagged streets of LA’s eastside to the bloated mansions of Bel Air, Poseurs takes a satirical look at the LA party scene through the eyes of three teens who get in over their heads. Writer Deborah Vankin has the pedigree to back up her tale. She’s covered arts, culture, entertainment, and nightlife in LA for nearly 10 years, writing for publications such as the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and Variety. Rick Mays (Kabuki Vol. 6: Scarab) brings a pen as sharp as Vankin’s wit and experience to the project, perfectly capturing the aesthetic of the LA party scene, whether the pretty dream or the ugly truth. As Vankin explains, “It’s a young adult novel aimed at teens, but I think older audiences will appreciate the satire that permeates the story. There’s a kidnapping, a few shady characters, and some love interest. And it’s shot through with photographic and literary references - so it’s fun, but smart, too.”

Paul Gravett says:
Sassy, stylish and satirical, Vankin & Mays expose the surreal and absurd lurking beneath the veneer of party glamour in the City of Angels. Read an interview with Vankin and see preview pages here.
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Alt 05.12.2014, 13:31   #241  
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Robert Sellers, britischer Sachbuchautor, bekannt für seine Biographien von Stars und aus dem Bereich der Popkultur.
Hat mit JAKe eine Graphic Novel über vier große Säufer geschrieben:
by Robert Sellers & JAKe

The publisher says:
Hellraisers is the story of four of the greatest boozers of all time: Richard Burton, Richard Harris, Peter O’Toole and Oliver Reed. Robert Sellers and JAKe cleverly weave the four biographies seamlessly into one fast-paced adventure of drunken binges, orgies, parties and fun. Told through the eyes of Martin, a wannabe Hellraiser, the story begins in a typical London pub at Christmas time. One by one, each of the four Hellraisers take this disillusioned soul of a personal tour of their childhoods, rise to stardom and chaotic personal lives.

Paul Gravett says:
JAKe brings the perfect cocktail of blockish, black grittiness and spot-on caricature to his portrayals of this quartet of celebrity rebels. In fact recently, he has been drawing them live on stage, appropriately, at Latitude Festival and Empire’s O2 film-fan farrago, in accompaniment to Robert Sellers’ spoken-word performance. Hopefully, they will be doing this double-act again in November to promote the book as part of Comica Festival.
Tom Morello, amerikanischer Gitarrist (Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, und The Nightwatchmen), der auch politisch aktiv ist. Schreibt für Scott Hepburn die Comicserie Orchid (Dark Horse 2011):
The publisher says:
From the mind of musician Tom Morello (Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, and The Nightwatchmen), Orchid is the tale of a teenage prostitute who learns that she is more than the role society has imposed upon her. When the seas rose, genetic codes were smashed. Human settlements are ringed by a dense wilderness from which ferocious new animal species prey on the helpless. The high ground belongs to the rich and powerful that overlook swampland shantytowns from their fortress-like cities. Iron-fisted rule ensures order and allows the wealthy to harvest the poor as slaves. Welcome to the world of Orchid. Each issue is being promoted with a new song by Morello.

Paul Gravett says:
This caught my eye, and in the wake of Umbrella Academy‘s success, for example, this latest musician-turned-comics writer may well also deliver something fresh and unexpected. For one dollar, it’s worth a gamble on this first floppy.
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Alt 05.12.2014, 13:56   #242  
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Adrian Searle, hat als Maler begonnen, Ausstellungen geleitet und ist jetzt der führende Kunstkritiker der britischen Zeitung The Guardian.
Schrieb das Szenario zur Graphic Novel Dougie's War (Freight 2010) über einen ehemaligen Afghanistankämpfer, der mit PTSD (Post-traumatischem Schocksyndrom) heimkehrt.
Dougie’s War is a graphic novel which tells the story of Dougie Campbell, who returns from serving in Afghanistan to his Glasgow home, and deals with the mental war that begins when the physical war ends. Partly funded by Veteran Scotland and dealing with the issue of PTSD, the tale is written by Rodge, with artwork by Dave Turbitt and additional essays by Adrian Searle. Dougie’s War is a hybrid, part-comic, part-homage to the classic Charley’s War (the first comic to deal with what used to be known as ‘shell shock’), and part factual investigation based on months of research with Scottish soldiers who have served all over the world in the past five decades.
The book was published in September 2010 by Freight, an award-winning, independent graphic design and publishing company based in Glasgow, also responsible for Gutter, Scotland’s top literary magazine. It received extensive notices in the broadsheets as well as traditional comic press, with The Spectator saying it “raises questions about the validity of the wars our country is conducting and, particularly, the effect these conflicts have on those involved”. The Sunday Herald said “its attempt to be honest, without being sensational or voyeuristic about the tragedy of war, is a successful and admirable one” and The Big Issue reported that Dougie’s War is “a hard-hitting tale of post traumatic stress syndrome… it hammers home its message without being preachy… as forceful as any conventional novel or non-fiction account”.
DOUGIE’S WAR has been nominated for several prizes. Firstly, Best Graphic Novel at the SICBA Awards 2011. Secondly, at the Scottish Creative Awards 2011, it has been nominated for both Best Publication and Best Illustration, for the work of Dave Turbitt, the artist on the project.
The winners will be announced on October 7th at Edinburgh Corn Exchange. Dougie will also be appearing alongside Pat Mills (2000AD, Judge Dredd, Charley’s War) at Edinburgh International Book Festival on 28th August and at the Internaitonal Festival of Authors in Toronto on October 30th.
Siehe auch:

Brooke Gladstone, amerikanische Journalistin und Medienkritikerin. Hat mit Josh Neufeld ein Sachcomic zu ihrem Fachgebiet verfaßt:
Gladstone, in collaboration with cartoonist Josh Neufeld and others, wrote The Influencing Machine in 2011. Gladstone describes the book as "a treatise on the relationship between us and the news media," further described by Leon Neyfakh as "a manifesto on the role of the press in American history as told through a cartoon version of herself." (...)
Brooke Gladstone, Josh Neufeld (2011). The Influencing Machine: Brooke Gladstone on the Media. W. W. Norton & Company.
Dazu Paul Gravett:
The publisher says:
Nearly one million weekly listeners trust NPR’s Brooke Gladstone to guide them through the distortions and complexities of the modern media. This brilliant radio personality now bursts onto the page as an illustrated character in vivid comics drawn by acclaimed artist Josh Neufeld. The cartoon of Brooke conducts the reader through two millennia of history-from the newspapers in Caesar’s Rome to the penny press of the American Revolution and the manipulations of contemporary journalism. Gladstone’s manifesto debunks the notion that ‘The Media’ is an external force, outside of our control, since we’ve begun directly constructing, filtering, and responding to what we watch and read. With fascinating digressions, sobering anecdotes, and brave analytical wit, The Influencing Machine equips us to be smart, savvy, informed consumers and shapers of the media. It shows that we have met the media and it is us. So now what?

Paul Gravett says:
Another smart, accessible docu-comic or graphic non-fiction, imaginatively visualised by Neufeld, author of A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge. We Brits may be largely unaware of American public radio’s Brooke Gladstone, but her insights into the media’s effects are revealing and relevant to us all.
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Alt 05.12.2014, 14:15   #243  
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Paul Peterson, ehemaliger kanadischer Sozialarbeiter, jetzt Theaterautor, beteiligte sich an dem Multimedia-Projekt The Next Day (Pop Sandbox 2011) über den mehrfachen Selbstmord in seiner eigenen Familie.
Co-Autor dabei war der kanadische Filmemacher und Produzent Alex Jensen:
“They had a fire in them to tell other people. They wanted others to know there is a next day.”
Paul Peterson, Co-Writer and former social worker, in The Toronto Star

The devastating effects of suicide on family members left behind haunted social worker Paul Peterson in his work for over 10 years. Peterson originally conceived of this project as a traditional documentary exploring the resounding question, What if those who attempted suicide had lived to see the next day? When the idea arrived at Pop Sandbox, Creative Producer Alex Jansen saw in the deeply philosophical content of Peterson’s vision something best experienced in an open-ended interactive format, a contemplative exploration rather than a static story.
The design team sought to highlight the universality of struggles with depression, substance abuse, and suicide by choosing an animated interface, decoupling the specific identities of the four suicide survivors who are interviewed from the emotional experience given in their own words. The style and content of The Next Day was also translated into a graphic novella that accompanies the interactive documentary. The producers chose these forms for their resonance with young people, the social group with the highest suicide rates in their native Canada. But as one reviewer of the graphic novel notes, The Next Day isn’t just for young people. “If you are someone who is prone to moodiness, if you sometimes feel like life has kicked your ass so hard there’s no possible way you could ever recuperate, if you’ve ever felt so profoundly alone that, even for a moment, you questioned your own tangible existence—in other words, if you’re a human being—I urge you to buy a copy of The Next Day.”
Ergänzend bei Paul Gravett:
The publisher says:
Around the world, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds. The number of attempts is up to 20 times greater… What if they had waited just one more day? The Next Day is a ground-breaking print graphic novel and a separate interactive animated online documentary, both constructed from interviews with survivors of near-fatal suicide attempts. In this poetic and profound philosophical exploration, four seemingly ordinary people each offer haunting insight into life, the decision to end it, and what comes after… The graphic novel presents a powerful collection of key moments from these four people’s lives while the interactive online experience allows viewers the opportunity to create their own path through the original audio interviews, coupled with stunning animations based on the illustrations of John Porcellino. Co-written by a social worker turned playwright, directed by a filmmaker, illustrated by an acclaimed fine artist and cartoonist, and developed for the web by an award-winning animation and technical production team, The Next Day is an exciting new hybrid of documentary film, animation, comic book and interactive storytelling.

Paul Gravett says:
A major addition to the sector of Graphic Medicine, comics tackling medical and psychological issues, The Next Day gives a voice to those who have lived another day and chosen life over suicide. I can think of few artists more sensitive and appropriate to the task of illustrating these tales than Porcellino. I met Pop Sandbox’s Alex Jansen in London last year and heard about this exciting project, which is not just a graphic novel but also a robust interactive animated online documentary co-produced with the prestigious National Film Board of Canada now in production. Porcellino is guesting at TCAF in Toronto this May as part of the book’s launch.
Ezequiel Adamovsky, argentinischer Historiker und Graswurzelaktivist.
Adamovsky's book Anti-capitalism for beginners: the new generation on emancipatory movements (Buenos Aires, 2003, ISBN 987-555-011-6) has received many positive reviews and was translated into Japanese, German, English and Korean.
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Alt 05.12.2014, 14:40   #244  
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Carla Jablonski, Autorin und Herausgeberin, die sich auf Bücher für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene spezialisiert hat. Dazu heißt es auf ihrer Homepage:
Carla Jablonski is the author and editor of dozens of best-selling books for middle-grade and young adult readers. "I kind of do it all -- adaptations, branching books (Choose Your Own Adventure style), serious novels for teenagers, fantasy, and now, graphic novels."
Her most recent book, Resistance, the first of a graphic novel trilogy (illustrated by Leland Purvis) is A SYDNEY TAYLOR SILVER MEDAL winner. Book 2 in the series, Defiance, will be available in July.
Anne Opotowsky, mehrfach preisgekrönte Autorin von Dokumentarfilmen, Büchern und Spielfilmen. Zusammen mit der Zeichnerin Aya Morton aus Hongkong entsteht die Comic-Trilogie The Walled City, deren erster Band Book One: His Dream of Skyland 2014 bei Gestalt Comics erschienen ist.
Buried today beneath a park in Hong Kong sleeps Kowloon Walled City, once home to the poor, the criminal, the innocent and the secretive, no bigger than a few city blocks and flourishing outside all conventions and laws. For the Emmy Award-winning American writer of books, films and documentaries, Anne Opotowsky, the vanished Walled City struck deep emotional chords. “It created incredible echoes in all I knew about human history. I see The Walled City in Imperialism, Orientalism, in Iraq and Afghanistan, in Africa, the American South and American West. The city, with its story, its people, their need to find a place, which though utterly anarchic, was home, became a powerful muse.” (...)
In the first volume set during the Twenties, His Dream of the Skyland, an eager lad named Song Lu strives towards adulthood, tasting freedom, sex and opportunity. While his post office job delivering dead letters sends him on his bike into the Walled City’s labyrinth of mysteries and intrigues, life for his family and friends only gets more complicated. “I wanted to tell a story that was free of Western Orientalism, of accepted views on how things happened, and who did what and why. In flipping history on its ear, I also wanted to have the freedom to write about people whose lives were just as beautiful and yet were not often told. So it was a blank canvas: I could write tales that were unknown to the characters, the storyteller and to the listener.”
As demonstrated in the new tangential Strip specially commissioned by ArtReview magazine, ‘Song’s Dreams’ (scroll down and read below), Skyland illustrator Aya Morton‘s sinuous, calligraphic brushlines and luminescent washes of colour sweep up the reader in the heady fervour of the place and period. Her frameless, soft-edged panels melt their boundaries, and her idiosyncratic and sometimes vertiginous shifts in perspective mean that no building or wall can contain or confine our vision. Ravishing and remarkable, Opotowsky and Morton’s 300-page volume has recently been released in Europe by Australian publishers Gestalt.

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Alt 05.12.2014, 15:14   #245  
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Musiker Glenn Danzig besitzt den Comicverlag "Verotik", und schreibt auch die eine oder andere Story dafür.
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Alt 05.12.2014, 15:22   #246  
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Was machen wir mit Lou Reed, dem Frontman der legendären Band The Velvet Underground? Bei posthum erschienen Werken tendiere ich eher dazu, sie nicht in die Liste aufzunehmen. Bei Lou Reed finden sich aber zwei gewichtige Stimmen, die Lou Reed seinen Status als Co-Autor des Comics zusprechen.
Einerseits der eindeutig befangene Verlag Fantagrapaphics (2011):
In 2000, veteran rock 'n' roller Lou Reed, legendary director Robert Wilson, and a cast of singers and actors premiered Reed's musical POEtry in Hamburg's Thalia Theater.
An ambitious combination of Edgar Allan Poe's poems and stories and Reed's reinterpretations of same (with a few classic Reed songs such as "Perfect Day" and "The Bed" integrated for good measure), POEtry bridged the centuries to provide a unique vision of beauty and horror for the dawning 21st century.
In 2003, Reed released (under the title The Raven) a double CD reprising the musical, featuring an all-star cast of singers and actors including Steve Buscemi, David Bowie, Laurie Anderson. Willem Dafoe, and the Blind Boys of Alabama, as well as an edited single-CD version focusing on the songs.
Now, for the definitive book version compiling the songs, verses and narratives that comprise POEtry/The Raven, Reed has personally commissioned legendary Italian illustrator and cartoonist Lorenzo Mattotti (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Stigmata) to visualize this extraordinary collaboration. Mattotti's vivid, abstracted and enigmatic artwork brings out all the terror and beauty of this centuries-spanning masterwork.
For our edition of this book, we enlisted Grammy Award-nominated designer Jesse LeDoux to create the striking jacket design.
Paul Gravett gesteht Reed ebenfalls den Autorenstatus zu:
For your latest book, Lou Reed contacted you about his music based on Edgar Allan Poe’s poem The Raven.
Yes, it is Poe interpreted by Lou Reed and then reinterpreted by me. Lou Reed is a very sensitive person, a contemporary poet, attentive to everything. He gave me lots of confidence to do what I want, to follow his music, and not stay close to Poe’s writing, not illustration but reinterpretation. He pushed me to extract something hidden inside me.
In seiner Rezension betont Gravett seine Einschätzung mit Nachdruck:
Paul Gravett says:
Lou Reed sought out Mattotti personally for this collaborative project, expanding the Poe-inspired tracks with the Italian maestro’s majesterial macabre imagery.
Ein paar Namen vermisse ich noch. Ich denke, der eine oder andere wird früher oder später hier auftauchen:
Björk und ihr Ehemann, der Künstler Matthew Barney.
Die comicaffinen Regisseure James Cameron, Fan der Manga-Serie Battle Angel Alita, und Ridley Scott.
Nachdem sich Christian Kracht durch Imperium den klassischen Bandes Dessinées schon ziemlich angenähert hat, sollte er irgendwann ein Werk konsequent als Comic vorlegen. Ähnliches erwarte ich vom multimedialen Thomas von Steinaecker.

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Alt 05.12.2014, 19:21   #247  
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Didier Lefèvre (1957-2007), französischer Fotoreporter.
Nachdem im französischen Verlag Ouest ein Buch mit Lefèvres Bildern aus Afghanistan erschienen war, begannen er und sein guter Freund Emmanuel Guibert, ein erfahrener Zeichner, mit der Arbeit an drei Comic-Alben über Lefèvres Erfahrungen in Afghanistan. Dieses Werk wurde beim belgischen Verlag Dupuis im Jahre 2003 unter dem Titel “Le Photographe” veröffentlicht.
Didier Lefévre starb im Januar 2007 an einem Herzinfarkt.
Die deutsche Ausgabe, Der Fotograf, 3 Bände, erschien bei der Edition Moderne.
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Alt 05.12.2014, 20:01   #248  
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Jochen Schmidt, Berliner Autor (Lesebühne) und Proust-Blogger.
Desweiteren trug zum Beispiel Lesebühnen-Autor und Proust-Blogger Jochen Schmidt das Skript zu einer Erzählung in Mawils Band “Action Sorgenkind” (Reprodukt) bei.
Robert "Bob" Thompson, langjähriger Reporter und Kolumnist bei der Washington Post.
Um Crosspostings zu vermeiden: siehe Comicgeschichte im Comic #140

Martin Büsser (1968-2010), deutscher Autor, Lektor und Co-Verleger des Ventil-Verlags mit Schwerpunkt Popkultur. Eine Graphic Novel beim Verbrecher Verlag (2009):
Der Junge von nebenan
Graphic Novel, 108 Seiten (...)
Ein Junge ohne Namen, eine Jugend in den Siebzigern. Während sich die Eltern für den bewaffneten Kampf im Untergrund entscheiden, erlebt der Erzähler sein schwules Coming-out. BRD-Geschichte und „éducation sentimentale“ verschmelzen zu einer stilistisch einzigartigen Bildgeschichte, angesiedelt im Graubereich zwischen Graphic Novel und illustrierter Erzählung, in der die Niedlichkeit und Naivität der Bilder immer wieder durch drastische, dramatische und ernüchternde Momente gebrochen wird.
Pierre Dragon (Deckname), Polizist, zeitweise als Mitglied einer Sondereinheit (Renseignements généraux, kurz: RG) , Co-Autor mit Frederik Peeters über diese Sondereinheit: RG (3 Bände, Gallimard Bayou 2007, 2008, 2012)

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Alt 06.12.2014, 14:08   #249  
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Jean Regnaud, Journalist und umtriebiger Autor. Comic-Szenarien hat er vor allem für seinen Freund Emile Bravo geschrieben.
Jean Regnaud wurde 1964 in Bergerac geboren. 1988 zog er nach Paris, um im Literaturbetrieb der Hauptstadt zu reüssieren. Bevor er aber als Betriebsjournalist seinen Platz als Mitglied der schreibenden Zunft fand, musste er sich als Gärtner, Fliesenleger, Golfjunge und New-Wave-Sänger durchschlagen. Er schreibt außerdem Geschichten fürs Radio, für Zeichentrickfilme und Comics. Mit Emile Bravo hat er die Reihe Aleksis Strogonov geschaffen und die Graphic Novel Meine Mutter... ist in Amerika und trifft Buffalo Bill.
Pierre Pelot, französischer Sciemce-Fiction-Autor, Krimis und Thriller finden sich ebenfalls in seiner Bibliographie. Schrieb mit und für Baru Elende Helden (Edition 52). Dessen Beitrag wird nur in der französischen Wikipédia gewürdigt:
Pauvres Zhéros, adaptation et scénario de Pierre Pelot, Rivages/Casterman/Noir, 2008 - (Sélection officielle du Festival d'Angoulême 2009)
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Alt 06.12.2014, 14:53   #250  
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Holly Black, amerikanische Autorin und Herausgeberin, schreibt überwiegend Fantasy für Kinder und junge Erwachsene (zu, Beispiel The Spiderwick Chronicles).
Mit Ted Naifeh gestaltet sie die Comicserie Good Neighbors (deutsche Ausgabe Feenland bei cbj):
Graphic novels
The Good Neighbors
The Good Neighbors: Kin (Graphix, 2008), illus. Ted Naifeh
The Good Neighbors: Kith (2009)
The Good Neighbors: Kind (2010)
Christopher Bünte, Redakteur bei Egmont Verlagsgesellschaften mbH. Schrieb für Veronika Mischitz das Szenario zu kleiner vogel rot (Zwerchfell 2009)

Sanni Kentopf, deutsche Burlesque-Tänzerin und Übersetzerin aus dem Englischen. Von ihr liegt eine Graphic Novel vor:
mit Robi (Co-Autor des Szenarios, wohl auch Skript Doctor) und Alberto Seichann (Zeichnungen): Honigfeigen (Panini 2010)

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