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Alt 01.12.2016, 18:10   #9  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.405
Blog-Einträge: 3
Trend wäre ein etwas zu großspuriger Begriff für diese Entwicklung.
Obwohl manche Kochbücher herablassend belächeln, sorgen sie für beträchtlichen Umsatz im Buchhandel und gehören zu den leisen Bestsellern und Dauersellern. Im Fahrwasser der Öko-Bewegung wird das Segment um Bücher über die Verdauung (Darm mit Charme) und Berichte von Leuten ergänzt, die ihre Ernährungsgewohnheiten geändert haben (Karen Duve: Anständig essen und Jonathan Safran Foer: Tiere essen zum Beispiel).

Inzwischen gibt es Comics zu dem Thema, die nicht nur beim britischen Publikum gut ankommen. Kurz nacheinander empfahl das Personal von Orbital Comics & Gallery in London folgende Titel:
  • Robin Ha: Cook Korean! A Comic Book with Recipes (Ten Speed Press), 176 Seiten
    Will says: Not too long ago, I was backpacking across East Asia and quickly found myself falling in love with Korea. Of course, the best part of any travelling adventure is experiencing all the different foods and Korea had some of the most delicious treats my tongue had the pleasure of meeting. I returned to London just in time for Orbital’s ‘Comics in the Kitchen’ exhibition, with a fabulous recipe/drawing by Robin Ha. I was elated to discover that this was just one of many recipes in her upcoming book and that I can now cook all my favourite dishes! It’s clear that this book is worthy of my staff pick subjectively, but Robin Ha has created something really amazing here. Her beautiful and colourful illustrations make cooking an absolute delight, not to mention, her ingenious design of the book allows for manageable and straightforward instructions to follow. Robin Ha tells you stories, makes you laugh and teaches you about Korean culture all while satisfying that hungry belly of yours. This book will put all your other recipe books to shame.
  • Julia Rothman und Julia Wharton (Szenario) / Julia Rothman (Zeichnungen): Food Anatomy: The Curious Parts & Pieces of Our Edible World (Storey Publishing), 224 Seiten
    Will says: My two most favourite things in this universe are sleeping and eating. Sure, comics are somewhere near the top, coming closely after making organised lists of my favourite hobbies. After the massive success that Robin Ha’s Cook, Korean! was, I’m convinced graphic cook books are the superior cook books. I never want to consume another recipe any other way. This is not necessarily a recipe book. Yes, recipes are included (amazing ones too!), but this book is so much more. It’s a beautifully drawn guide through everything that is wonderful about food from all over the world. There’s a double page showing what the infinite list of pasta shapes are called! Maybe this is just me, but I’ve always wanted to know and now I have it right in front of me (it’s called ‘ruote’, not ‘that wheel pasta’). This book tastes sooo amazing!!
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