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Alt 13.05.2015, 11:32   #11  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.414
Blog-Einträge: 3

2015 Doug Wright Awards
(Die Preise für die besten Comics aus dem anglophonen Kanada wurden am 9. Mai auf dem Toronto Comics Art Festival (TCAF) in Toronto, Ontario verliehen.)

2015 Doug Wright Award for Best Book:
Nina Bunjevac: Fatherland (Jonathan Cape/Random House)
[CBC Buchkolumnistin Erin] Balser calls Fatherland a beautiful and moving novel that gives personal context to a devastating conflict.
"When you have just a text-based autobiography, the writer really needs to go there with words," she said.
"I think with pictures, you can convey so much more through a frame, or a page that really gets at the emotional truth of what you're experiencing or what you're trying to convey to the reader."
2015 Doug Wright Spotlight Award (a.k.a. “The Nipper”):
(Preis für den besten kanadischen Comicautor, der größere Beachtung verdient.)

Meags Fitzgerald: Photobooth: A Biography (Conundrum Press)
Author Meags Fitzgerald, having traveled in North America, Europe and Australia, looks at the rise and fall of the booth through the eyes of technicians, owners, collectors, artists and fanatics.
"She became really obsessed with [photo booths] when she was young and it was an obsession that informed her teenage years and now," said Balser. "It's a beautiful little book."
2015 Pigskin Peters Award:
(Preis für experimentelle oder Avantgarde-Comics aus Kanada)

Connor Willumsen: “Swinespritzen”
"It's about a man and his dog, but it's not actually about that all," said Balser.
"It's definitely got some humour and irreverence and I just really like the play, within technology, that he's using to create this comic."

Other graphic novel recommendations by Balser include The Outside Circle by Patti LaBoucane-Benson, and The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage by Sydney Padua.


19th Independent Publisher Book Awards 2015
(Um die Preise konkuirrierten 2.750 unabhängige Verlage und Autoren, die nicht nur aus 45 Bundesstaaten plus dem Distirct of Columbia (Washington, D.C.) kamen, sondern auch aus sechs kanadischen Provinzen und zehn Ländern in Übersee.)

Kategorie 54. Graphic Novel / Drawn Book - Humor / Cartoon History (U.S.):
- Gold: Nicholas Doan (Creator und Szenario) / Caanan Grall, Lee-Roy Lahey, Cal Moray, Josh Gowdy, Christopher Tupa, Patty Variboa, Daniele Serra und Bobby Timony (Zeichnungen): Monster Elementary (Broken Oar Productions)
- Silber: Aurelia: JJ’s Science Adventure: Magnets (Harvest Edutainment Pte. Ltd)
- Bronze: Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers: Strike Four! The Crankshaft Baseball Book (Black Squirrel Books / Kent State University Press)

Kategorie 55. Graphic Novel / Drawn Book - Drama / Documentary:
- Gold: Liz Prince: Tomboy: A Graphic Memoir (Zest Books)
- Silber: Frank Beddor: Hatter M: Love of Wonder (Automatic Publishing)
- Bronze: Kevin Powers: Patriot-1 (Timeless Journey Comics, LLC (TJ Comics)

Kategorie 65. Popular Culture:
- Gold (doppelt vergeben): Daniel Wallace: DC Comics Super-Villains: The Complete Visual History (Insight Editions)
und Andrew Farago: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History (Insight Editions)
- Silber: Randal Doane: Stealing All Transmissions: A Secret History of the Clash (PM Press)
- Bronze (doppelt vergeben): Susan Carol McCarthy: Boomers 101: The Definitive Collection (AARP)
und Lorena Howard-Sheridan: Sideway Glances: Vernacular Mexican Lettering (Peccata Minuta)

Geändert von Servalan (13.05.2015 um 12:06 Uhr)
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