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Alt 07.09.2010, 10:59   #1  
Benutzerbild von arne
Ort: Berlin
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gold01 Anime News

What anime titles are making a buzz lately in Japan?

Anime have become more diverse in recent years, and there have been many titles targeting core fans. Particularly popular are animations featuring cute female characters.

"K-on!!" is probably the most successful anime TV title these days. Tokyo Broadcast System Television and its network affiliates are running its second series late at night.

The anime is about five cute high school girls who play in a band at school, and the story lines revolve around their daily lives and how they improve as musicians.

The production team has promoted the anime wisely by actually releasing tunes the band plays on the show, both at record stores and online. The CDs use the same band name as the anime.

The anime band has sold more than 1 million CDs and has scored No. 1 in weekly sales, a first for anime characters.'Anime' makes Japan superpower

Der Manga "K-On!" (ein sogenannter "Vier-Bilder-Comic") erscheint seit 2007, die Anime-Serie seit 2009.!

Auf englisch soll der Manga ab Ende des Jahres bei Yen Press erscheinen.
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Alt 13.09.2010, 20:33   #2  
Benutzerbild von arne
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Jun'ichi Fujisaku, Regisseur der TV-Serie "Blood +", hat seinen ersten Kinofilm gedreht: "Loups-Garous". Dieser läuft seit Ende August in den japanischen Kinos. Zum Inhalt:

In a near future, the world's population has decreased dramatically due to a deadly virus that terrorized the whole planet. Now people eat only synthetic food and tend to avoid as much as possible any form of physical connection or "real contact" with living creatures. Real shops have disappeared from the streets, and with the exception of the community centres (what were once called schools), people communicate with each others exclusively online. But even in this tightly controlled and systematized society, there is a group of young girls who actively pursued real contact. And when a string of brutal murders emerges, their challenge to this closed world is just about to begin.

Drei Songs des Films stammen von der Girlgroup "Scandal".
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Alt 24.12.2010, 09:49   #3  
Benutzerbild von arne
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Eine der interessantesten Anime-Produktionen der letzten Jahre wird derzeit bei uns von AV Visionen auf DVD veröffentlicht: Die siebenteilige Movie-Serie "Garden of Sinners".

Teil 1 ("Thanatos") und Teil 2 ("Mordverdacht") sind bereits erschienen. Teil 3 ("Verbliebener Sinn für Schmerz") kommt am 28.1.2011.
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Alt 09.01.2011, 10:33   #4  
Benutzerbild von arne
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Keita Kurosaka (黒坂 圭太), der schon eine Episode zu "Winter Days" beigesteuert hat (s. Beitrag # 7 hier), hat seinen ersten "Langfilm" gedreht: Midori-ko (緑子). Mit einer Länge von "nur" 55 Minuten und einem eher ungewohnten Stil (Blei- und Buntstifte) ist er aber wohl nur ein Festivalkandidat. Zum Inhalt:

In anticipation of the coming food crisis, five scientists are working to develop a “dream food,” one that is both meat and vegetable. But, progress in the laboratory, located amidst a derelict shopping district, has hit a dead end. One day, in the wee hours of the night, a pillar of light penetrates the lab. This is the light of a special starry sky that graces the Earth only once every ten thousand years. The scientists are overjoyed at what the light’s tremendous force has produced: the dream food that is Midori-ko. But Midori-ko has no intention of being eaten and instead flies away, escaping the lab. Desperate in their search, the scientists eventually determine that Midori-ko is being taken care of by an agricultural studies student living in the same neighborhood. The scientists try to steal Midori-ko back. But Midori keeps her guard high and Midori-ko out of their grasp. Instead, it’s the apartment residents with their healthy appetites who try to eat Midori-ko at any chance they get! Finally, a ravenous battle over Midori-ko erupts between the scientists, Midori, and the apartment dwellers.

Personen, die diesen Film bereits gesehen haben, sind voll des Lobs, wie z. B. Chris MaGee:

Fans of popular anime and Japanese art animation have been used to fantastic imagery and chimera-like characters. I would even hazard to say that some of us have become a bit jaded. What makes "Midori-ko" so absolutely refreshing is that Kurosaka is presenting his wondrous world to audiences that will leave even the most hardened animation enthusiast with their mouth hanging open.
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Alt 25.03.2011, 19:14   #5  
Benutzerbild von arne
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Gezeichnete Botschaften von Kunio Okawara ("Gundam") und Shoji Kawamori ("Macross") anlässlich der Katastrophen in Japan:
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Alt 07.08.2011, 07:06   #6  
Benutzerbild von arne
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Hiroyuki Okiura wurde 1999 als Regisseur des von Mamoru Oshii geschriebenen Films "人狼" (Jin-Roh) bekannt. Jetzt dreht er seinen zweiten Langfilm: "ももへの手紙" (Brief an Momo). Dazu gibt es jetzt auch einen Trailer:


Geändert von arne (31.03.2012 um 10:10 Uhr) Grund: Link aktualisiert
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Alt 26.09.2016, 00:48   #7  
Benutzerbild von Hinnerk
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Ich besitze es noch nicht, aber es klingt interessant: Animationsfilm in Japan bis 1917
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