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Alt 18.10.2019, 06:17   #170  
Moderator Sekundärliteratur
Benutzerbild von 74basti
Ort: Höxter
Beiträge: 10.051
Nachdem beide mit dem Signieren fertig waren, ging das ganze Paket mit den Drucken per FedEx an Jan Strnad, damit auch er seinen Namenszug dazu setzen konnte:

Mutant World art prints are signed and delivered.

The limited edition art prints have been signed and delivered to the printer.

Here's a pic of Richard and Beth signing the prints, which BTW look astounding! After this photo was taken, they FedExed the prints to me, I signed them, and they were delivered to the printer today (10/17/19) and signed for by one K.POGGEMEYER. Thank you, K., for being there!

As for the book itself, our files are under review and we should have PDFs of the book in the next two or three days for our review.

Richard Corben and Beth Corben Reed sign the limited edition art prints for Mutant World and Son of Mutant World.

"Der Schlaf der Vernunft gebiert Ungeheuer" - Francisco de Goya 1799
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