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Alt 13.05.2018, 08:30   #1  
Benutzerbild von arne
Ort: Berlin
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Blog-Einträge: 3
gold01 Annecy Filmfestival 2018

Das diesjährige Festival findet vom 11. - 16.06.2018 statt. Die folgenden Langfilme werden im Wettbewerb gezeigt:

  • Virus Tropical von Santiago CAICEDO

  • La casa lobo (The Wolf House) von Cristóbal LEÓN und Joaquín COCIÑA

  • The Wall von Cam CHRISTIANSEN

  • Seder-Masochism von Nina PALEY

  • Mirai no Mirai (Mirai of the Future) von Mamoru HOSODA

  • The Breadwinner von Nora TWOMEY

  • Gatta Cenerentola (Cinderella the Cat) von Ivan CAPPIELLO, Alessandro RAK, Marino GUARNIERI und Dario SANSONE

  • Funan von Denis DO

  • Tito e os Pássaros (Tito and the Birds) von Gustavo STEINBERG, Gabriel BITAR und André CATOTO DIAS

  • Waka Okami wa Shōgakusei! (The Young Innkeeper is a Grade Schooler!, aka Okko's Inn) von Kitaro KOSAKA

Die Festivalseite zu "Seder-Masochism":

The story of Exodus is retold by Moses, Aharon, the Angel of Death, Jesus, and the director's own father. But there's another side to this story: that of the Goddess, humankind's original deity, who is resurrected in a tragic struggle with the forces of patriarchy.


"The Breadwinner" wurde u. a. von Angelina Jolie produziert.

Parvana is a young girl living in Kabul, Afghanistan, under control of Taliban. ... After Parvana unsuccessfully tries to procure food while going out as a girl, she decides to dress as a boy and pretend to be Nurullah's nephew, "Aatish", in order to support the family.

Die Festivalseite zu "Gatta Cenerentola":

Cinderella struggles to escape the shadow and evil schemes of her stepmother and six stepsisters who all live aboard the Megaride, a ship stuck in the port of a decaying Naples set in the future.


Und worum geht es bei "Tito e os Pássaros"?

The film follows the life of Tito, a 10-year-old boy who is on mission to save the world from an unusual epidemic - people fall ill whenever they are scared.

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