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Alt 11.06.2015, 01:38   #15  
Mick Baxter
Moderator ICOM
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Es gab auch Leute, die sich von den Cartoonists absetzen wollten.

In diesem Link zur Zeitschrift der Gruppe
wird u. a. Jules Pfeiffer zu seinem Buch "Tantrum" interviewt (1979!):

I did not call it a graphic novel. I called it a novel in cartoons. Graphic novels are called graphic novels because people are ashamed of the word "cartoon", which is idiotic. I've always been thrilled to be a cartoonist, and I'm proud of it, and I like the term. I see no need to upscale the work I did with some meaningless choice of words like "Graphic"

Feiffer setzt sich ja nicht von den Cartoonist ab, sondern von den Graphic Novels, die sich wiederum von den Comic Books absetzen.
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