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Alt 09.01.2011, 10:33   #4  
Benutzerbild von arne
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 8.174
Blog-Einträge: 3
Keita Kurosaka (黒坂 圭太), der schon eine Episode zu "Winter Days" beigesteuert hat (s. Beitrag # 7 hier), hat seinen ersten "Langfilm" gedreht: Midori-ko (緑子). Mit einer Länge von "nur" 55 Minuten und einem eher ungewohnten Stil (Blei- und Buntstifte) ist er aber wohl nur ein Festivalkandidat. Zum Inhalt:

In anticipation of the coming food crisis, five scientists are working to develop a “dream food,” one that is both meat and vegetable. But, progress in the laboratory, located amidst a derelict shopping district, has hit a dead end. One day, in the wee hours of the night, a pillar of light penetrates the lab. This is the light of a special starry sky that graces the Earth only once every ten thousand years. The scientists are overjoyed at what the light’s tremendous force has produced: the dream food that is Midori-ko. But Midori-ko has no intention of being eaten and instead flies away, escaping the lab. Desperate in their search, the scientists eventually determine that Midori-ko is being taken care of by an agricultural studies student living in the same neighborhood. The scientists try to steal Midori-ko back. But Midori keeps her guard high and Midori-ko out of their grasp. Instead, it’s the apartment residents with their healthy appetites who try to eat Midori-ko at any chance they get! Finally, a ravenous battle over Midori-ko erupts between the scientists, Midori, and the apartment dwellers.

Personen, die diesen Film bereits gesehen haben, sind voll des Lobs, wie z. B. Chris MaGee:

Fans of popular anime and Japanese art animation have been used to fantastic imagery and chimera-like characters. I would even hazard to say that some of us have become a bit jaded. What makes "Midori-ko" so absolutely refreshing is that Kurosaka is presenting his wondrous world to audiences that will leave even the most hardened animation enthusiast with their mouth hanging open.
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