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Alt 20.03.2010, 17:41   #58  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.366
Blog-Einträge: 3
Standard Französische Kulturpolitik

Die Franzosen kleckern nicht, wenn es um einheimische Comics geht, sondern sie klotzen: Der Programmchef des Comicsalons von Angoulême, Benoît Mouchart, wurde schon im Februar zum Comicexperten für den staatlichen Verband CulturesFrance gekürt (das französische Gegenstück zum deutschen Goetheinstitut).

Zur Agenda heißt es dort (ich habe die englische Version genommen, weil ich davon ausgehe, daß im Forum mehr Leute Englisch können als Französisch):

Zitat von CulturesFrance
CULTURESFRANCE is the agency of the ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture and Communications responsible for international cultural exchanges. It works on a daily basis in collaboration with other French and foreign partners in the private and public sector, at city or regional level in France or Europe.

Its intervention policy is focused on three major areas:

- Presentation of French creative arts in their many different forms in the fields of theatre and the performing arts, visual arts, architecture, books and the written word, the cinematographic heritage and cultural engineering.

- Interest in the world’s cultures, in bringing them to France and in cooperation and dialogue with them. In the context of the increasing globalisation of exchanges, Culturesfrance concerns itself with its European base, with the development of French-speaking cultures and with the promotion of cultural diversity throughout the world.
Through its initiatives within France as well as beyond its borders, through bilateral operations with countries in the context of cultural seasons or years, through its development activities especially on the African continent and in the Caribbean region, Culturesfrance is committed to establishing long-term and equitable relations between the world’s cultures.

- Development of its expertise and initiatives with France’s cultural and cooperation network abroad, and with regional authorities, multilateral European, Francophone or other organisations, the private sector, major French and foreign institutions and with all creative artists, authors, agents and partners of cultural and artistic exchanges.

Nearly 5000 professionals, authors and artists are supported through these initiatives each year in over 160 countries. Over 20 million people worldwide take part in or attend directly operations supported by Culturesfrance each year. At the heart of these exchanges and dialogues, Culturesfrance works to develop links between the world’s cultures.
Die Verknüpfung zwischen französischer Außen- und Kulturpolitik sowie eine konsequente Medienpolitik (ähnlich wie amerikanische Interessen in Hollywood) ist damit offensichtlich.
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