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Alt 03.01.2010, 13:45   #43  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
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Zitat von ibs.it
John Rhett Thomas: The Marvel Art of Marko Djurdjevic
Marko Djurdjevic burst onto the scene from obscurity, a passionate artist sharing his work online. The quality of his illustrations needed no explanation beyond that which was obvious at first glance: the sleekly stylized figure work, his masterful command of colors, and the layers and subtext that formed an essential part of his vision. It was a short trip from anonymity to his current status as one of Marvel's most compelling cover artists. This lush art book features a treasure trove of Marko's cover illustrations - plus sketches, designs, and extensive discussion about the process that has made him one of Marvel's most popular artists. In collaboration with the artist himself, and with input from his peers, The Art of Marko Djurdjevic is the kind of deluxe art book you'll be proud to show off to friends and fellow art fans.
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