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Alt 12.07.2009, 12:27   #234  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
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Die Zeitschrift Benny und Teddy

Benny - Das Mitmach-Magazin für junge Entdecker
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"Piiit" Krisp
Der 51-jährige Lüneburger wirkte u.a. an Salamanders "Lurchi" mit. Außerdem "Tabaluga" und "Benni und Teddy" in der Vorschulzeitschrift "Benni".
Und hier die Homepage des Zeichners

Hier noch eine Liste fiktionaler Bobtails:
Zitat von absoluteastronomy
Fictional Old English Sheepdogs
Ambrosius and Merlin from the film Labyrinth
Barkley from Sesame Street
Boot from the comic strip The Perishers
"The Colonel" in the book 101 Dalmatians
Digby from the film Digby, the Biggest Dog in the World
Edison from the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Farley, the first dog of the Patterson family in the comic strip, For Better or For Worse. Modeled after Lynn Johnston's own dog of the same breed who in turn was named after Farley Mowat.
George, the pet of Little Britain's Maggie Blackamoor, who also has the same vomiting problem as his owner.
Max from The Little Mermaid
Mr. Mugs from the Canadian Children's Readers (published through the 1960s and 1970s)
Shag from Road Rovers
The Shaggy Dog from The Shaggy Dog, The Shaggy D.A., and The Shaggy Dog Returns
Sherlock from the film Hercule et Sherlock
Sprocket from the television series Fraggle Rock
In The Simpsons, Reverend Lovejoy has an Old English Sheepdog, who first appeared in 22 Short Films about Springfield.
Wordsworth from Jamie and the Magic Torch
Terry/Ssulja from "The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince"
Xiao Ke Ai from "It Started With a Kiss" and "They Kiss Again"

Der Bobtail Boot mit dem Jungen Wellington von Maurice Dodd

Eine schwedische Serie mit Bobtail

Geändert von Servalan (12.07.2009 um 13:00 Uhr)
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