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Alt 29.08.2008, 16:31   #7  
Ort: München
Beiträge: 3
Hier ein schönes Zitat aus einem etwas älteren Interview mit Fables-Autor Bill Willingham:
I mean, every industry in the world is exotic to people looking at it from the outside. I think that's part of the same reason, right now, that film people are so fascinated with the comics industry. They're not inside it, and they don't see just how dull and soul-draining it can be. Like everyone else, I'm interested in it, but at the same time, the few dips into that pool I've had have not exactly been encouraging, in the sense that I still have not the slightest idea how anything can get made in Hollywood.

Fazit: Comicautoren träumen von Hollywood, Filmautoren träumen von Comics.
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