Z 1:
1 Tales of the Witchblade 5.00 € *(8,00)
2 Tales of The Darkness 4.00 € *(5,00)
3 Tales of the Witchblade 2.00 € *(2,00)
4 Tales of the Witchblade 2.00 €
5 Tales of the Witchblade 2.00 €
6 Tales of the Witchblade 2.50 €
7 Medieval Witchblade 2.00 €
8 Medieval Witchblade 2.00 €
9 Tales of The Darkness / Tales of the Witchblade 2.00 €
10 Dark Crossings 2.00 €
11 Dark Crossings 2.00 €
12 Witchblade / Lady Death 2.00 € *(2,00)
12 Witchblade / Lady Death (Wrap Around Variant-Cover) 8.00 € *(10,00)
12 Witchblade / Lady Death (Comicwatch Variant Cover) 8.00 € *(15,00)
13 Darkness / Infinity 2.00 € *(6,00)
Summe Normalausgaben : 31.50 €
Summe Variant Cover-Editionen / Sonderausgaben : 16.00 €