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Alt 18.12.2019, 09:37   #14  
Mitglied (unverifiziert)
Benutzerbild von Heatwave19
Beiträge: 3.900
Oh je, der Rotten Tomatoes Score ist ja mal katastrophal:

Nur 58% bei derzeit 32 Kritiken... Mal gucken, wie sich das noch entwickelt.

"The Rise of Skywalker marks the return of a plodding dullness, the kind that George Lucas himself peddled with his second trilogy, laden with pointless plot curlicues, witless imperial intrigue and boring heroism."

"Rise of the Skywalker isn't an ending, a sequel, a reboot, or a remix. It's a zombie."

"There seems to have been absolutely no road map as to what these movies were going to be and it shows."

"If anything, the director has overcompensated, practically tripping over himself in a mad-dash effort to deliver the expected goods and then some."

Auf Metacritic derzeit bei 57/100:

Geändert von Heatwave19 (18.12.2019 um 09:46 Uhr)
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