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Alt 05.03.2017, 13:19   #848  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.410
Blog-Einträge: 3

Prix Libr’à Nous 2017
(Die Sieger der sieben Kategorien wurden am 3. März im Centre Wallonie Bruxelles in Paris verkündet.)

Bester französischsprachiger Roman:
Gilles Marchand: Une bouche sans personne (Aux forges de Vulcain)

Bester fremdsprachiger Roman:
Jonas Gardell: N'essuie jamais de larmes sans gants (Gaïa) - Schweden

Bester Krimi oder Thriller:
Romain Slocombe: L’affaire Léon Sadorski (Laffont La bête Noire)

Bestes Werk im Genre Fantasy- oder Science-Fiction:
S. G. Browne: La Destinée, la mort et moi, comment j’ai conjuré le sort (Agullo) - USA

Bester Comic für Kinder und Jugendliche (4 bis 12 Jahre):
Antoine Dole (Szenario) / Bruno Salamone (Zeichnungen): Le monstre du placard existe et je vais vous le prouver ! (Actes Sud Junior)

Bester Roman für Jugendliche (10 bis 15 Jahre):
Marion Brunet: Dans le désordre (Sarbacane)

Bester Comic für Erwachsene:
Zerocalcare: Kobane Calling (Cambourakis) - Italien


ASA Emerging Writers’ and Illustrators’ Mentorship Awards 2017
(Das Förderprogramm des Berufsverbandes Australian Society of Authors (ASA) unterstützt den literarischen Nachwuchs mit einem jährlichen Mentorenprogramm. Insgesamt gibt es sieben Kategorien: Ficition, Non-Fiction, Lyrik, Graphic Novels, Literatur für junge Erwachsene, Kinderbücher und Illustration von Bilderbüchern. Wer will, kann sich mit einem Exposé und Probeseiten bewerben. Finanziell wird das Förderprogramm von der Stiftung Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund betreut.
Dieses Jahr wurden 12 Mentorenprogramme vergeben. Zu jeder Kategorie gibt es eine kleine Erläuterung, warum sich die Jury so entschieden hat. Im Bereich Comics bzw. Graphic Novels fällt diese jedoch besonders ausführlich aus.)

- Simon O’Carrigan (Illustration von Bilderbüchern)
- Catherine Coltay (Fiction)
- Greg Woodland (Fiction)
- Beth Amos (Fiction)
- Nicole Crowe (Non-Fiction)
- Alison Stegert (Kinderbücher)
- Lyn Halliday (Kinderbücher)
- Charlotte Callander (Literatur für junge Erwachsene)
- Katerina Craven (Literatur für junge Erwachsene)
- Lucie Towers (Graphic Novel)
- Kathryn Fry (Lyrik)
- Catherine Steele (Illustration von Bilderbüchern)
Graphic novels

The graphic novel submissions varied considerably in genre, artistic style, vision and execution. Furthermore, some appeared to be developed for the traditional comics market, while others for mainstream book publishing. Although all the submissions showed merit for different reasons, the prevailing theme that emerged in assessing the material was that not enough time had been spent in script development. The text was either impressionistic and would have worked better as a short story, or the narrative did not pay enough attention to establishing character, conflict and tension. On occasion, the narrative competed with the art, rather than complemented or flowed with it. In some submissions there also appeared to be confusion about what qualified as a children’s picture book (a category of children’s literary publishing), as opposed to a graphic novel (a category in the comics medium) – both of which need to be treated differently.

The other theme that emerged was that several creators did not fully comprehend the conventions of genre and ultimately drifted away from the genre they identified in the explanatory notes that accompanied their submission. These factors point to the importance of pinning down the outline and story arc first in order to eradicate narrative problems before progressing to the script and finally the art. The artistic component is onerous and it is more difficult to fix after completion than it is to fix the story at the start. The issues identified above are not insurmountable and all the submissions in the category showed promise. However, all the applicants would benefit from getting editorial input before they commit to finishing their respective projects.

Geändert von Servalan (05.03.2017 um 13:53 Uhr)
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