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Alt 13.03.2016, 16:53   #332  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.410
Blog-Einträge: 3
Peter Maresca hat sich mit vergessenen Zeitungscomics beschäftigt und hat dabei einen Kandidaten für den ersten Superheldencomic gefunden:
W.H.D. Koerner, Hugo Hercules (1902)

I always felt that the first superhero of the comics was Billy Bounce, who would do good deeds by inflating and then bouncing (offensively or defensively) to victory. Although Billy appeared a few months before Hugo, the overall look and feel of the strip seen here is much more in tune with the superhero comics that followed. So I would have to agree with Bill Blackbeard and Alfredo Castelli who bestow the honor of “first superhero strip” to the Chicago Tribune‘s Hugo Hercules. Koerner started his art career as a staff illustrator at the Tribune when he was only fifteen. Being unable to sense the potential in movie and licensing deals for superheroes, he left the paper to study fine art under Howard Pyle, alongside N.C. Wyeth and Franck Schoonover, and became an accomplished and prolific painter.
P.S.: Ich habe ihn hier erwähnt, weil ich davon ausgehe, daß nicht alle Super-Freunde den als Superheldencomic sehen.

Geändert von Servalan (13.03.2016 um 23:37 Uhr)
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