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Alt 13.12.2015, 06:56   #20  
Benutzerbild von arne
Ort: Berlin
Beiträge: 8.174
Blog-Einträge: 3
Die Nominierungen (und der Gewinner) für das Jahr 2015:

  • Song of the Sea von Tomm Moore


  • Adama von Simon Rouby
    This animated feature film tells the tale of a young boy, Adama, from an unnamed West African village. It’s 1916 and his older brother Samba runs away to sign up to fight for the Nassaras, an unusual dialect word referring to white people or strangers, in this case the French. Adama is determined to go after Samba and bring him back, braving a journey across continents and through the perils of deserts, seedy Parisian back streets and, finally, beyond the trenches of the front line into no man’s land near Verdun.

  • Shaun das Schaf – Der Film von Mark Burton und Richard Starzak


"Song of the Sea" soll ab dem 24.12.2015 unter dem Titel "Die Melodie des Meeres" auf deutschen Leinwänden zu sehen sein. Trailer:

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