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Alt 24.06.2015, 18:03   #2962  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.370
Blog-Einträge: 3
Alter Wein kommt immer wieder in neue Schläuche, wenn er genießbar ist.
Wenn ich ab und zu zwischen den verschiedensprachigen Wikipedias wechsle, stoße ich auf etliche Theorien, die mit einer hohlen Erde in Verbindung gebracht werden. Derzeit erfreut sich gerade die Dysonsphäre einer ungeheuren Popularität, auch bei den Superhelden von Marvel und DC.
  • The sci-fi webcomic Schlock Mercenary by Howard Tayler features an alien race known as the F'Sherl-Ganni, who live in habitats hanging from the interior surfaces of Dyson Bubbles they call Buuthandi (an abbreviation of the F'Sherl-Ganni phrase "Buut go buut-buut nnaa-nnaa cho handi", which translates to "This was expensive to build", or more literally as "Expensive and expensive-expensive [expletive] we built").[3] They use these Dyson bubbles to collect power with which to operate a galaxy-wide network of transportation wormholes.[citation needed]
  • In the Marvel comic series New Mutants (original series) the rock star Lila Cheney, a mutant with the power to teleport across interstellar distances, had a home on an abandoned Dyson Sphere.[4]
  • In the Marvel Comics series Guardians of the Galaxy the Guardians teleport to a Dyson sphere.[volume & issue needed]
  • In the Marvel Comics series New Avengers (volume 3), Tony Stark hires Shi'ar engineers to build a Dyson sphere around Sun.[volume & issue needed]
  • In the DC Comics series Red Lanterns #25, a galactic dictator named Gensui is building a weaponised Dyson Sphere in order to help him conquer the rest of Space Sector 2814 (where Earth is also located in).
  • In Iron Man #13 (2013), Stark encounters an ancient, alien-made Dyson's sphere, deep in the far reaches of space.[5]
  • In the manga art book BLAME!: And So On by Tsutomu Nihei, it is revealed by the artist that the "city" the characters keep referring to and are currently wandering in is actually a Dyson Sphere extending to the orbit of Jupiter.
  • In the manga series Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Jupiter, a human colony, was surrounded by incomplete sphere.
  • In the webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, a futuristic robot mentions created a Dyson Sphere after humans are all dead.
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