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Alt 01.06.2015, 11:03   #17  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
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Der deutsche Wikipedia-Artikel "Manga" spricht auch von Taschenbüchern:
Jeweils im Abstand von mehreren Monaten erscheinen Taschenbücher mit Schutzumschlag (Tankōbon), in denen mehrere vorher in den Magazinen erschienene Kapitel einer erfolgreichen Serie in sehr guter Druckqualität zum Sammeln und Aufbewahren neu aufgelegt werden. Oft enthalten sie Bonus-Kapitel, die nicht vorher in den Magazinen abgedruckt wurden, dafür sind die in den Magazinen farbig gedruckten Kapiteleinleitungsseiten meistens schwarz-weiß. Immer häufiger werden von diesen Taschenbüchern neben der normalen Auflage auch limitierte Sonderausgaben veröffentlicht, denen exklusive Figuren oder Merchandising-Artikel zur jeweiligen Serie beiliegen. Der Anteil der Manga-Taschenbücher am japanischen Manga-Markt umfasst etwa 30 %.
Die englischsprachige Wikipedia schlüsselt den Begriff tankōbon jedoch weiter auf, so daß jede Eindeutigkeit verloren geht. Demnach gibt es Manga-Taschenbücher sowohl als Softcover wie als Hardcover und in etlichen Größen.
Tankōbon do not include bunkobon (typically used for novels), shinsho (新書, typically used for non-fiction), or rather larger-format mook (ムック, mukku, a blend of "magazine" and "book"), as each is within a series.

Tankōbon may be of any dimensions, from a miniature-sized novelty book (i.e. mamehon, 豆本) to a sumptuous folio-sized one. Nonetheless, oddly-sized tankōbon tend to be given a taxonomical name. Using English bookbinding terms, a tankōbon of prototypical size would be called quarto or octavo. (...)

Special formats

An aizōban (愛蔵版) is a collector's edition volume. These volumes are generally more expensive and lavished with special features such as special covers created specifically for the edition, special paper used for the cover, higher quality paper, a special slipcase, and so on. Aizōban are generally printed in a limited run, thereby increasing the value and collectability of those few copies made. The aizōban format has begun to make inroads into the US market, with titles such as Fruits Basket, Rurouni Kenshin and Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin being reissued in aizōban format. Generally only the most popular manga are released in this format.

The kanzenban (完全版) is another term sometimes used to denote this kind of a special release. A kanzenban release is generally A5 size (148 × 210 mm) and will typically reproduce individual chapter covers, color pages, and side-stories from its original magazine run, features that are often omitted or converted to grayscale in standard tankōbon releases. While the aizōban appellation emphasizes the value of the volumes, the term kanzenban emphasizes their completeness, though it is likewise generally reserved for popular manga such as Dragon Ball or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

The sōshūhen (総集編) is a relatively new format published by Shueisha beginning in 2008. A sōshūhen edition is B5 size (176 × 250 mm), larger than a kanzenban, and similarly reproduces chapter covers and color pages while also including a variety of bonus features such as posters and interviews. The majority of sōshūhen releases are for popular manga with ongoing serializations. They also contain far more pages than a standard tankōbon and thus feature more chapters in fewer volumes; Naruto Part I was originally published in 27 tankōbon volumes, but was completed in just eight sōshūhen volumes.

A bunkoban (文庫版) edition refers to a tankōbon printed in bunko format, or a typical Japanese novel-sized volume. Bunkoban are generally A6 size (105 × 148 mm) and thicker than tankōbon and, in the case of manga, usually have a new cover designed specifically for the release. In the case of manga, a bunkoban tends to contain considerably more pages than a tankōbon and usually a republication of tankōbon of the same title which may or may not have been out of print. Thus, the bunko edition of a given manga will consist of fewer volumes. For example, Please Save My Earth was published in 21 tankōbon volumes, and then re-released in 12 bunko volumes. If the original manga was a wide-ban release, the bunkoban release will generally have the same number of volumes. The term is commonly abbreviated in Japanese to just bunko (without the -ban).

A wide-ban or waidoban (ワイド版) edition is larger (A5 size) than a regular tankōbon. Many manga, particularly seinen and josei manga, are published in wide-ban editions after magazine serialization, and are never released in the tankōbon format that is common in shōnen manga and shōjo manga. When a series originally published in tankōbon format is re-released in wide-ban format, each volume will contain more pages than in the original edition, and therefore the series will consist of fewer volumes. For example, Maison Ikkoku was originally released in 15 tankōbon volumes, but was republished as 10 wide-ban volumes.

Similar to a wide-ban, a shinsōban (新装版?) is a new edition released with (usually) a new cover. The volumes in such a release usually have new color pages and other extras. For example, in 2002, Sailor Moon was reedited; some pages were completely re-drawn and most dialogues were rewritten by the author. Plus, the chapters were redivided to fit into 12 volumes instead of 18.
Jetzt dürfte jede Klarheit beseitigt sein.
Die historischen Buchformate leiten sich vom Druckvorgang ab und geben an, wie häufig der Druckbogen gefalzt wurde (Quarto, Oktav usw.).

Bei meiner Antwort "Album" habe ich an Buchhandlungen gedacht, die ihre Regale je nach Höhe und Breite der Bücher umstellen müssen. Soweit ich mich erinnere, achteten die Comicverlage vor allem in den 70er bis Ende der 80er Jahre darauf, daß die Abweichungen voneinander nicht zu groß waren. Sonderformate blieben in der Regel auf den Comicfachhandel begrenzt, der bei limitierten Sammlerausgaben mit niedrigen Auflagen kulanter war, denn die sollten ja binnen kurzem über den Ladentisch gewandert sein.
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