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Alt 22.05.2015, 14:55   #225  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.400
Blog-Einträge: 3
Stan Lee ist gerade dabei, seine Comicautobiographie zu verfassen. Ab dem 6. Oktober will Touchstone sie in den Handel bringen:
Stan Lee to publish memoir -- in graphic novel form
(...) Stan Lee will tell his own story in a new graphic memoir. (...)
Stan Lee, the man behind Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Incredible Hulk -- heck, practically the whole Marvel universe -- has been working on a book about his life. Touchstone plans to publish Lee's "Amazing Fantastic Incredible: A Marvelous Memoir" on Oct. 6.
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