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Alt 14.05.2015, 15:31   #453  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.371
Blog-Einträge: 3

2015 Robert F. Kennedy Book and Journalism Awards
(Verliehen werden die Preise. vom Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Center for Justice and Human Rights. Die Gala findet am 21. Mai im Newseum, Washington, D.C. statt.)

2015 RFK Award for Cartooning:
Darrin Bell, Washington Post Writers Group (WPWG)
“Robert F. Kennedy has always been one of my personal heroes,” Bell tells The Post’s Comic Riffs. “He and his family embody the best impulses of America. They’ve worked tirelessly to advance the cause of social justice, to give a voice to the voiceless, and to empower the powerless.
“Along with Dr. King, the Kennedys have been a constant inspiration to me and to my work,” Bell adds. “The fact that what I do even caught their attention is deeply humbling.”
“Darrin Bell’s work in 2014 projected a unique point of view — as a black man, he’s ‘been there’ — on the deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown,” Amy Lago, Bell’s editor at WPWG, tells Comic Riffs. “And he applies that empathy to all who are disenfranchised and powerless.
“Darrin is poignant yet irreverent,” continues Lago, who nominated him for the award. “And he has this incredible talent for pointing out what should be patently obvious but somehow is not.”
The Post Writers Group also syndicates Bell’s comic strip “Candorville.”
2015 Learning Impact Awards
(Im engeren Sinne ist das kein Comicpreis. Verliehen wird die Auszeichnung nämlich vom IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS Global/IMS), einem IT-Unternehmen im Sektor Bildung und Lehre, laut Selbstdarstellung Weltmarktführer im Bereich "EdTech interoperability and impact". Die Preise wurden auf der Tagung Learning Impact Leadership Institute, die vom 4, bis 7. Mai in Atlanta, Georgia stattfand, an die Gewinner überreicht. Pro Kategorie - Platin, Gold, Silber, Bronze - gibt es je zwei Auszeichnungen.)

Platinum Medals - Kategorie International:
Language Learning Space, Education Services Australia - Education Services Australia have customized their Language Learning Space to provide students an exciting world of challenges in an immersive “graphic novel” environment to practice Indonesian and Chinese language skills in context. http://youtu.be/35Fuz9G_GdY
Großbritannien und USA:

Gordon Burn Prize for fearless approach to writing 2015
(Ausgeschrieben wird der Preis für furchtloses Schreiben seit 2012 von New Writing North, dem Gordon Burn Trust und Faber & Faber, der Burns Werke verlegt hat. Dem Gewinner winkt ein Scheck von 5.000 £ und die Option, sich drei Monate in Burns Cottage an der Grenze zu Schottland zurückzuziehen. Die Shortlist wird im August verkündet. Die Preisgala findet am 9. Oktober auf dem Durham Book Festival statt.
136 Bücher wurden eingereicht, 13 haben es auf die Longlist geschafft.)

Gordon Burn was a writer for whom no subject or character was beyond exploration, and whose approach often toyed with the boundaries between fiction and non-fiction. Peter Sutcliffe, Alma Cogan, Damien Hirst, Margaret Thatcher, and even Gordon Burn himself: Burn loved to take characters already burnished in the celebrity spotlight and explore the darkness beneath. His work also reflects a wide range of interests including social history, sport, true crime, music, celebrity and art. (...)
"The titles on this year's long list were arrived at from submissions of extraordinary variety and high quality. We are pleased for our amazing judges that they have such an incredible list to look forward to, but don't envy them having to select a shortlist, let alone a winner. Each one of these represents a remarkable achievement by their author and deserves to be celebrated and recognised." Carol Gorner, founder of the Gordon Burn Trust (...)
"From graphic novels and stunning short story collections to penetrating non-fiction and a number of books that test the borders of these definitions, the 2015 longlist is an exciting list. The selected books highlight many areas of interest that Gordon's work covered from crime and art to history and are all explored in unique and compelling ways". Claire Malcolm, Chief Executive, New Writing North
  • Martin Amis: The Zone of Interest (Vintage)
  • Dan Davies: In Plain Sight: The Life and Lies of Jimmy Savile (Quercus)
  • Sam Delaney: Mad Men and Bad Men: What Happened when British Politics met Advertising (Faber and Faber)
  • Paul Ewen: Francis Plug: How To Be A Public Author (Galley Beggar Press)
  • Honor Gavin: Midland (Penned in the Margins)
  • Romesh Guneskera: Noon Tide Toll (Granta Books)
  • Richard King: Original Rockers (Faber and Faber)
  • Ben Lerner: 10.04 (Granta Books)
  • Hilary Mantel: The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher: Stories (Fourth Estate)
  • Scott McCloud: The Sculptor (Self Made Hero) << britische Ausgabe !!!
  • Peter Pomerantsev: Nothing is True and Everything is Possible (Faber and Faber)
  • Simon Rich: Spoiled Brats (Serpent's Tail)
  • Sarah Thornton: 33 Artists in 3 Acts (Granta Books)

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