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Alt 20.04.2015, 16:58   #422  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.366
Blog-Einträge: 3

35th Los Angeles Book Times Prize 2015
Gewinner in der Kategorie Graphic Novels / Comics:
Jaime Hernandez: The Love Bunglers (Fantagraphics)

Grambs Aronson Award for Cartooning with a Conscience 2015
(Der Preis wird jährlich vom Hunter College in New York verliehen. Damit werden Cartoons ausgezeichnet, die das Gemeinwohl gefördert haben.)
Adam Zyglis (Buffalo News)


1st Blue Metropolis Words to Change Prize 2015
(Montreal führt dieses Jahr beim Blue Metropolis Literary Festival, das vom 20. bis zum 26. April stattfindet, bei den Preisen zwei neue Kategorien ein: Die indigene kanadische Poetin Marie “Annharte” Baker erhält ihn in der Kategorie First Peoples Literary Prize, und der zweite geht an einen Comiczeichner.)
Gene Luen Yang (USA)
Indigenous Canadian poet Marie “Annharte” Baker and American graphic novelist Gene Luen Yang will each receive one of two new awards at this year’s Blue Metropolis Literary Festival in Montreal, taking place April 20–26. (...)

Yang will receive the Words to Change Prize for a writer who brings communities together.

Bleu Metropolis programming director Gregory McCormick says, “Our Words to Change Prize… was a reaction to all the news about politics of exclusion that seem to be common in recent months and years, and since our programming is so international, valuing writers who include rather than exclude is important for us and for our public. Our First Peoples Prize allows us to shine a spotlight on some of the best indigenous writing coming from Canada. This year our jury chose a writer who’s enormously respected in the indigenous world as an elder poet… [Annharte]’s doing events on her poetry, of course, but also on storytelling, disability rights, and women writers in the indigenous community.”

As part of the Words to Change prize, the festival has also launched a video blog contest asking university-aged students in Quebec to explain why multiculturalism is important to them and to the province. (...)

Programming will be offered in a number of languages, including Spanish and Italian, says McCormick.

“This international flavour makes us unusual, not just in Canada, but in North America,” he says. “This year, we have writers from 12 countries doing events in eight languages… We’re excited about the variety of what we have to offer.”

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