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Alt 09.04.2015, 17:50   #396  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.395
Blog-Einträge: 3
Standard Stunk um die Nebula Awards

Noch einmal zu den Nominierungen der 2015 Hugo Awards (siehe #389)
Das komplizierte Abstimmungsverfahren ist hinter den Kulissen mächtig in Kritik geraten. Obwohl das Regelwerk bei den Abstimmungen eingehalten wurde, wird jetzt ein Rückschritt beklagt, und die Ergebnisse als Vorjahres werden als leuchtendes Beispiel dargestellt.
Der Tenor ähnelt der Mißstimmung bei der letzten Oscar-Verleihung in Hollywood: Die Liste strotze nur so "von weißen Hetero-Männern, die dieselben Erzählungen abliefern, die seit der Erfindung des Genres kursieren."
Im originalen Wortlaut liest sich das so:
So what’s the big deal?, one might ask. No rules were broken, a successful voting campaign was organized and executed, and that’s how popular votes work. Is this just sour grapes from folks who didn’t make the list this year?
In a word: NO.
It’s not sour grapes. The 2015 Hugos are a big fucking problem.
They are a problem because the Sad and Rabid Puppies slate voting movements represent an organized backlash against the progression of speculative fiction and SFF fandom at large.
Strategy, game theory, and other factors aside, let’s talk about why the 2015 Hugo Ballot is a really big fucking problem: because it means that speculative fiction’s most prestigious award is stacked towards an agenda against diversity, inclusivity, and tolerance. It’s a nominating ballot that is full of straight, white dudes, writing the same stunted, dismissive narratives that have dominated speculative fiction since the inception of the genre.
Keep in mind that this follows 2014: a year in which Kameron Hurley took home two awards for her essay challenging the common and historical narrative on the role of women in SFF; in which the Best Fanwriter category was represented by four female nominees; in which a literary specfic tale about a gay bi-racial couple won Best Short Story; in which an epic science fiction novel that challenges every established notion of gender and classification took home Best Novel.
We repeat: the 2015 Hugo Awards are a real fucking problem.
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