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Alt 13.02.2015, 15:33   #4  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.358
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Ist denn etwas bekannt zu dem Gesamt-Werk? Ich muss nämlich auch den Strich von Gorny für eine solche Story loben, da er im Zusammenspiel mit dem gewählten Slang der Geschichte eine sehr norddeutsch-rappschnutiche Atmosphäre bekommen hat.
Du bist nicht der Einzige, der große Stücke auf Christian Gorny gehalten hat: Sogar der Magier aus Northampton, Alan Moore, hat mit ihm ein gemeinsames Projekt durchgezogen. Das hat zwar geklappt, die Stücke dürften aber heute schwer aufzutreiben sein.

Beim Stöbern in den digitalen Weiten bin ich auf eine Seite gestoßen, die zwar ziemlich abwegig klingt: Das Alien versus Predator-Wiki "Xenopedia". Denn die enthält so ziemlich die umfangreichste Biographie der Comichoffnung aus den 90er Jahren:
Christian Gorny is a German comic book artist who illustrated the multi-part story Aliens: Crusade in the Aliens UK magazine for Dark Horse Comics and Trident Comics. (...)
In 1991, Gorny worked on the German comic "ABC van de BRD" for Stripschrift. In 1992, he contributed work for the German edition of Schwermetall (Heavy Metal) #151. Gorny contributed a piece to the Comic Almanach 1992 in 1993 and also produced his creator owned comic Narcangel, published in a single collected edition by Ehapa Comic Collection.
In 1995, Gorny was chosen by acclaimed comics writer Alan Moore to work on his Outbreaks of Violets cards series. A very rare Alan Moore find nowadays, Outbreaks Of Violets was essentially a trading card set featuring the writing of Moore and a host of international artists. It was produced for the 1995 MTV Europe Music Awards as an oversized folder. Moore’s story is his take on the idea of random acts of kindness and is told through the 24 cards drawn by the various artists. That year he also illustrated Two-Gun Kid: Sunset Riders #2 for Marvel Comics with fellow A/P/AVP contributing European artist Alex Maleev. (...)
Considered one of the most versatile German comics artists, Gorny regularly contributed to such German comics magazines as U-Comix and Heavy Metal for cutting edge, adult-oriented publishing house Alpha-Comic Verlag. But the publisher was brought to bankruptcy while defending a well-publicized censorship trial over its content in the 1990s. This dealt a heavy blow to the German alternative comics scene. Gorny has also worked as an artist with several other mainstream German magazines/newspapers including Stern ("Star"), Geo and Zeitmagazin ("Time").
Vielleicht würdigt die Deutsche Comicforschung mal Gorny, lohnen würde es sich.
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