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Alt 12.02.2015, 13:57   #354  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.371
Blog-Einträge: 3
Gowan Calder, schottische Schauspielerin, Regisseurin und Autorin, die mit Stücken für das Theater und Hörspielen begann. Zwei ihrer neueren Arbeiten fallen in die Kategorie Comic: Sie schrieb das Szenario für Skint! (Scottish Book Trust 2011, erweiterte Neuauflage Scottish Book Trust 2014), Zeichnungen: Metaphrog (das sind Sandra Marrs und John Chalmers).
Zuletzt schrieb Calder das Szenario für Walk the Walk (Scottish Book Trust 2014) über Nachbarschaftsfehden und Sektierertum in Schottland, Zeichnungen: Jill Calder.
Gowan Calder is an actress, director and writer based in Scotland. She began her writing career as a playwright and her plays have been produced throughout the UK and broadcast on BBC Radio. Gowan was Writer in Residence in HMP Glenochil (2008–2009) and has run a variety of writing workshops within the Scottish Prison Service, as well as for youth theatres and adult writers’ groups.
From 2009 to 2011, she was Visiting Lecturer in Playwriting at Queen Margaret University, where she also worked with directing and acting students. She has enjoyed a long career as an actress since graduating with a degree in theatre in 1990. Her acting work has taken her around the world and from performing outdoors in a cloud of midges to recently filming Teacup Travels for CBeebies.
Gowan is the author of a previous book, Skint!, an interactive, graphic-novelstyle exploration of money issues for young people, illustrated by Metaphrog. Skint! was published by Scottish Book Trust in 2011 and a further, revised edition was published in 2013 and reprinted in 2014.
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