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Alt 15.12.2014, 17:05   #270  
Moderatorin Internationale Comics
Benutzerbild von Servalan
Ort: Südskandinavien
Beiträge: 10.412
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Die Firma Wylie Communications Incorporated nutzt für ihren Klienten CenterPoint Energy hinsichtlich Sicherheit bei FSA-Accounts ein ganzes Superheldenteam.
Superheroes to the rescue
Posted by Ann Wylie on June 6, 2012

Put this tool in your utility belt
When CenterPoint Energy needed to generate excitement for its United Way giving drive, they turned to some unlikely folks for help.
The Blue Flame, Energy Force, Major Setback, The Mysterious Matrix, Pipeline and Power Arc all showed up to get the word out about the campaign.
These superheroes appeared on the campaign’s posters and messages to leaders. Some even made personal appearances: CenterPoint employees wore superhero costumes to United Way campaign kickoff meetings and in the community for a movie.
Over the years, thanks to blockbuster campaigns like this one, CenterPoint has seen participation climb from 46% in 2007 to 63 percent in 2012 campaign, reports Lisa Foronda, CenterPoint Energy Community Relations supervisor.
And total employee contributions have risen from $1.2 million in 2007 to $1.64 million in 2012.

Drive action with superheroes.
(...) At he center of this campaign was Flexman and his sidekick Piggy Bank. “[We] decided that a cartoon superhero would have the widest appeal and garner the most attention,” says Christine Miller, whose Millerwood Communications worked on the campaign. Flexman starred in some animated Web cartoons, which Ceridian shared with its client companies for distribution to their eligible employees.
Flexman garnered attention and drove employees to act. The campaign increased enrollment by 14.7% — about seven times the original goal.
Der Grund für die Comicbegeisterung liegt bei Bill Wylie, einem ehemaligen Marvel-Zeichner.

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