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Alt 22.07.2014, 18:02   #74  
Moderator Sekundärliteratur
Benutzerbild von 74basti
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Neue Serie bei Dark Horse - "The Rat God" - Start 2015

Vage sind die Infos zu der neuen Horrorserie, die wohl 2015 bei DH veröffentlicht werden soll.
Die ersten Einzelheiten erfährt man in einem auf der Homepage von comicbookresources veröffentlichten Interview mit Scott Ellie, dem Mitherausgeber:

Kiel Phegley: Speaking of that ideal, I assume that's how you work with Richard Corben. He's someone who I doubt needs a lot of guidance on what he wants to do, but he must be someone you really wanted to work with for a long while before he came to Dark Horse.

Scott Allie: Yeah. It's amazing sometimes. It's the same kind of thing from when I was able to work with John Severin for a while where every so often you find yourself going, "Oh my God, I'm working with Corben." But you're working with him, so after a while most of that has to go away or you can't continue. Corben has been great to work with, but there I definitely challenged him -- particularly in that I really wanted to see him write his own stuff. Even in doing adaptations in the past, he's always been more comfortable bringing in a writer like Jim Strnad or Rich Margopoulos who he did a lot of the Poe adaptations with. Richard wanted to tell a particular kind of story, and he brought Jim, and we did "Ragemoor" together. But it wasn't exactly the story Richard wanted to do. It was something they ultimately came up with together. So I said, "Why don't you do exactly what you want to do? There's no reason you shouldn't be in complete control of what you're doing."

So now we're doing a new series with Corben called "The Rat God," and when it came about, it was something I pushed him toward. Now that he's wrapped with all his Poe adaptations, he was looking for what to do next, and he said, "I think now I'll do Lovecraft adaptations." And I said, "I don't think Lovecraft adaptations work that well in comics." I loved what he did with the Poe stories that made them faithful but kept them fresh as they stayed in that Gothic mold, but Lovecraft I didn't think would work that well. So I said, "Why not do the kind of story you'd want to do in a Lovecraft adaptation but make it your own thing? Make it original!" So he's not doing Cthulu mythos in this. He created his own mythology, and while you can see the Lovecraft influence, "The Rat God" is completely his own thing, completely new. And this is the first time I've worked with him on something long form that he's written himself.

So yeah, working with Richard is like working with one of my heroes, but I still want to push him to the best of his abilities, and I think "Rat God" is a completely new thing for him. Maybe it's not too different from his work in the '70s and '80s, but it's not the kind of work he's done in a long while. As a Corben fan, it's extremely exciting to see what's coming in. And because he's tended to work with other writers in the past, we helped him out with the dialogue. The story is all his, but I kicked things around in the final until it was where he wanted it and where he was happy with it.


"Der Schlaf der Vernunft gebiert Ungeheuer" - Francisco de Goya 1799

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