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Women Read Comics in Public

Veröffentlicht: 25.08.2012 um 10:29 von Burma

Was es nicht alles gibt: Am 28. August ist der 'Frauen lesen öffentlich Comics'-Tag.
Grab your favorite comic book from the bookshelf on Tuesday, August 28, and head outside!
August 28 once again brings International Read Comics in Public Day, and the fantastic comic book blog DC Women Kicking Ass is hosting a concurrent event to highlight comics’ female audience. Women Read Comics in Public encourages all female fans to submit a picture of themselves reading a comic book to the blog during the week of August 28. Sue, who runs DC Women Kicking Ass, explains why she put out the call for photos: "I started this event two years ago with the idea of “What if we could show the world the diversity and a snapshot of the breadth of female comic readers. How would that look?” As it turns out pretty amazing. I honestly didn’t know if I would get one photo and I got many wonderful pictures from around the world."

Warum sind die Marketing-Fachleute bei uns so zurückhaltend? Daraus läßt sich doch noch mehr machen:
Männer mögen Marvel Monster oder
Comic-kundige Kids im Kopfstand oder
Katzen würden Witchblade lesen oder...

Und wo bleibt IKEA? Wenn man schon ganze Stadtteile bauen will wie in London, sollte man dieses Geschäft nicht auslassen.
Kategorie: Kategorielos
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